Our external advisory board, this year consisting of 24 experts from 20 leading global research organizations.

20 Aug, 2023

Trademark Registration and its Role in Protecting and Growing your Company

Did you know that branding is an asset to your business and can also help your business succeed and grow? More details about trademark registration, its role in protecting and growing your economic entity, and how you can obtain the best related legal services, you can find in the following lines. What is a brand […]

20 Aug, 2023

Drafting Legally Commercial Contracts is Prerequisite to Protect your Business

Legal experts point out the importance of drafting commercial contracts, and that it is one of the fundamentals of the success and growth of your company’s business. Since you are seeking success and development, the first thing you should do is look for an experienced contract lawyer who will advise you on any potential legal […]

19 Feb, 2023

The Significant Legal Requirements for Establishing a Company According to the Saudi Arabian System

يعدُّ البحث عن متخصصين في مجال تأسيس الشركات مسألة ضروريةً، وبندًا لا يمكن إغفاله بالنسبة لأصحاب الأعمال والمستثمرين الذين يسعون دائمًا للنجاح في أول خطواتهم، والسير وفقًا للضوابط والمعايير المقرّرة من قبَل اللائحة التنفيذية لنظام الشركات السعودي.

18 Feb, 2023

The Importance of Legal Advice for Individuals and Companies

Some people may marginalize the role of legal advice in protecting them from difficult situations that they may face, whether in their personal or professional lives. For example, if you decide to start a new business, you will not be without facing some challenges that require the assistance of a capable legal advisor who will […]